New Translator....


quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010



Nesta tua vulva
Teus pelos, me atiçam
Me fazem sonhar roçar
Com os dedos devagar
Deixando melados
Cada parte de ti
Mas o que me agrada
E a beleza de deixar
Tudo ao natural
Como cresceu e ficou
E você com todo prazer
Revela ao mundo
Teu ser, maravilhosa
Vulva me da prazer
Mesmo longe na Romênia
E eu aqui no Brasil
Mas temos a língua
Que são irmãs

Ulisses Reis®

Para aiciMARA ( )

Vreau să mulţumesc tuturor celor care vin să se întâlnească cu mine şi vă rugăm să lăsaţi un comentariu pentru că iubesc face noi prieteni şi de a folosi Traducator Nou.

2 comentários:

1ManView disse...

I'm from Milwaukee. It's cloudy with gray skies, (looks like rain) and about 39 degress today. I wish I had taken a foreign language when I was in school, but I said why, I'm not going anywhere... I was station in Germany when I was in the service, now I have followers from all over the world, and I have to reliey on a Ok translator.. (laughing) Who would of guessed? But one thing I have learned from my blog, and that's the sexuality of humans are pretty much the same all over the world... And there is alot of good people in this world, regardless of what our leaders want us to believe... Have a great day...

Mara disse...

Iti multumesc din inima ! Mi-ai facut o mare bucurie. Te sarut cu dragoste....Mara
Thanks !!! I'm very happy ! I kiss you with all my love ....Mara
Grazie !!! Mi dai tanta gioia> Un bacio pieno di amore....Mara